Structural Fat Grafting

A variety of conditions can result in loss of facial volume resulting in cosmetic deformities. Most often, loss of facial fat is associated with normal aging, but sometimes post traumatic injuries or congenital problems can cause areas of facial volume loss. Some indications for structural fat grafting include:

  • loss of cheek volume due to aging
  • depression in the temples due to aging
  • prominent lower eyelid-cheek tear troughs
  • thin lip volume
  • correction of hollow upper eyes after aggressive blepharoplasty
  • congenital issues such as hemifacial atrophy
  • earlobe atrophy with aging

Dr. Leedy is up to date with the latest techniques for successful fat transfer. This procedure can be done in the office on occasion but is often done in the operating room in conjunction with other procedures such as facelift, eyelid lift and brow lift procedures. Usually the fat grafting procedure results in minimal bruising. Recovery is typically a few days. Swelling may take a few weeks to resolve.

Your Consultation For Structural Fat Grafting

At the time of your consultation Dr. Leedy will review your medical history and discuss your desires and expectations. He will outline a plan to help accomplish your goals in the safest possible manner. If applicable, Dr. Leedy will provide 3D imaging to help simulate the results that are possible. You will have time to have all your questions answered. If you so desire we can arrange for a previous patient to talk to you about their experience. We approach the consultation as an opportunity to educate a patient about a procedure and you will never feel pressured or rushed to make a decision about what is right for you. All patients are provided the opportunity to return for further discussions about their procedure at no additional charge and if you decide to go forward there is always an additional consultation prior to the surgery. Educated patients are happy patients and your happiness is our only goal.

Contact Our Fat Grafting Surgeon

We look forward to helping you reduce the signs of aging with fat grafting procedures that are designed to provide you with a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Contact the Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute, also serving Mayfield Heights and the surrounding areas, to set up a face lift consultation with Dr. Leedy.

Financing Options

It’s something you’ve always wanted to do, but something else was always there to hold you back. Well, not anymore. We offer CareCredit, a card designed specifically for your healthcare needs. CareCredit can help you move forward with getting the procedure you’ve always wanted. With low minimum monthly payment options, no up-front costs, no prepayment penalties and no annual fees, you can get your procedure sooner.